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April 2024

Free Trial - ConVoid

Explore the full scope of ConVoid.

Download ConVoid for Revit




09th April 2024


  • 14-Days Trial

  • Access to all features

  • Autodesk® Revit® 2021 - 2025

  • Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech and Portuguese(Brazilian).

Free - Revit Families

Work with advanced opening families.

Free Openings Families for Revit




09th April 2024

ConVoid Revit Families:

  • Builders Work Openings, Polygonal Openings and Structural Openings

  • Autodesk® Revit® 2021 - 2025

  • Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech and Portuguese(Brazilian).

Free - Sample Project

Run your trial with our sample project.

Download Revit Project Sample




22nd May 2023

Sample Project:

  • Architectural, Structural and MEP 

  • Autodesk® Revit® 2021-2025

  • Languages: English

Release Notes conVoid 1.4.20 (22nd May 2023)

Note to all conVoid users:

Please ensure that everyone working in the same model is using the latest version of the plugin. This will ensure maximum compatibility and stability for all team members. Thank you for your cooperation.


  • ConVoid for Revit 2024

  • Enhancement: ConVoid Icons Displayed in Quick Access Toolbar

  • New Feature: Automatically add Room Names, Numbers and Levels to the Openings.

  • New Feature: Automatically add Grid Location to the Openings.


  • Enhancement: Improved Creation and Tracking Algorithm

  • Enhancement: Improved Auto Mode Calculation for Creating and Updating Openings and Recesses for MEP Services

  • Enhancement: Fine-Tuned Rounding for Metric Dimensions

  • Enhancement: Oversize Values Now Account for Rounding Up

  • Enhancement: Enhanced "Ignore Openings Smaller Than" Option

  • Enhancement: Enhanced Parameter Transfer

  • Bug Fix: Selection of Base and Top Level in Parameter Transfer

  • Bug Fix: Corrected Occupancy Volume Calculation for Openings Penetrating Multiple Hosts

  • Minor Bug Fix: Conversion of Architectural Doors and Windows to Structural Openings Improved

​ConVoid Manager

  • Enhancement: Enhanced BCF Import Functionality

  • Enhancement: Optimized Approval Synchronization

  • Enhancement: Added *.bcf Import and Export to Existing *.bcfzip Format

  • New Feature: BCF Export Based on Coordination Base and IFCSITE

  • New Feature: Shared Folder for Snapshots

  • New Feature: Parameter values can be included in the title.

  • Enhancement: Improved compatibility with Solibri BCF Exchange.

  • Minor Bug Fix: Improved Filtering of Openings in Schedules Based on Parameters

  • Bug Fix: Refined Cut Feature Functionality

​Dimension Void:

  • Minor Bug Fix: Resolved NumberField Error Triggered by Pressing Enter

  • Enhancement: Fine-Tuned Rounding for Metric Dimensions

  • Enhancement: Oversize Values Now Account for Rounding Up

  • Minor Bug Fix: Improved Filtering of Openings in Schedules Based on Parameters

​Smart Tag:

  • Enhancement: Support of Structural Plans

  • Minor Bug Fix: Error when starting Smart Tag


  • New Feature: Set Elevation of Openings to Top, Middle, or Bottom


  • Enhancement: Merging Custom Parameters When Manually Joining Openings

  • New Feature: Automatic Joining of Openings after the Creation Process


  • Enhancement: Model Lines Now Included

Release Notes conVoid 1.4.00 (26th January 2023)


  • New Language: Portuguese (Brazilian) conVoid User Interface and Families

  • New Language: Italian conVoid User Interface and Families

  • New Language: Polish conVoid User Interface and conVoid Families

  • New Language: Czech: conVoid User Interface and Families

  • Enhancement: The language of the user interface has been improved.

  • Enhancement: The Revit warning "Missing Third Party Updater" will no longer be displayed, but only for models where conVoid has not yet been actively used.

New Feature:

  • Align: Allows aligning the component to the nearest lines, wall, and floor edge with one click.

ConVoid Families - Note: There is no need to update the families in your active project:

  • Enhancement: Some parameter names have been renamed for spelling errors and clarity.

  • New Families: New horizontal and vertical polygonal openings with 3 to 12 sides.

  • New Symbol: A new "pipe symbol" has been added for round openings.

  • New Parameter: The ConVoid families now have a parameter for the percentage occupancy of the opening.

  • New Parameter: The ConVoid families now have a parameter for the sealing volume of the opening.


  • Enhancement: The calculation and creation of openings is now more stable and provides better results.

  • Enhancement: The algorithm for calculating openings based on IFC models now provides better results.

  • Enhancement: The tracking algorithm has been improved.

  • New option: Hidden reference elements are not considered when creating openings (also works with linked models)

  • New option: Hidden Hosts are not considered when creating openings (also works with linked models)

  • New option: A new rounding factor of 50mm has been added.

  • Enhancement: A new global parameter "<All Reference Elements>" has been added to the parameter filter, replacing "Phase Created"

  • Enhancement: When changing the Revit language, the categories in the conVoid filter will remain selected.

  • Bug fixed: When switching between different opening filters, the active categories will not be mixed.

  • Bug fixed: The change log will be cleaned up before creating new openings. A Revit bug has caused old entries to appear in new openings.

  • Bug fixed: Rotations of openings that are converted from round to rectangular are now correctly aligned with the grid line.

  • Bug fixed: With pinned manually joined openings, no Revit warning will appear.

ConVoid Manager

  • Enhancement: BCF comments are now additionally stored in the Revit file during import, so that only one team member needs to perform the import.

  • Enhancement: BCF comments are also included in the Excel export.

Dimension Void:

  • New option: A new rounding factor with 50mm has been added.

  • Enhancement: When selecting an opening in the model, the corresponding row of the opening in the table is automatically selected.

Smart Tag:

  • Bug fixed: Error message for the option "Tag only selected openings" has been fixed.

Plan Check:

  • Enhancement: When selecting an opening in the model, the corresponding row of the opening in the table is automatically selected.


  • Enhancement: The material of the Hosts and the fire resistance are combined when manually connecting openings.

Release Notes conVoid 1.3.40 (27th September 2022)


  • The timestamp for manually placed openings will be added automatically.

  • The elevation of the openings is recalculated when moving the project base point and survey point.

  • Manually placed openings are instantly detected by conVoid and marked as such.

  • A manually copied opening now receives the correct indication of the discipline.


  • Openings will be placed in shafts now.

  • The new parameter "Do not join openings" avoids joining openings.

  • Openings are no longer marked as “Changed” if they are within the defined tolerance range.

  • Optimize clash detection when multiple models are selected.

  • Performance increase of clash detection with Cable Trays.

  • The definition for renaming parameter values can be imported via a *.csv file.

  • The message "No Level found" no longer appears.

  • The detection and misleading of deleted openings have been optimized.

  • Multi-selection of family types by holding down the Shift key is now possible.

ConVoid Manager

  • Openings can be filtered and sorted by parameters in the table.

  • Columns can be sorted and filtered by date.

  • Comments are included in the Excel export.

  • Color Filter bug is fixed.

  • Optimized cutting of openings.

  • After BCF import or approval status synchronization, status messages are displayed in the Revit ID column.

ConVoid Dimension

  • Openings can be filtered and sorted by parameters in the table.

Smart Tag

  • Smart Tag settings will be saved.

Release Notes conVoid 1.3.3 (21st June 2022)


  • New Language: Spanish

  • New Feature: Release Floating License manually in Info Ribbon Tab

User Interface:

  • Bug Fix: Changement of User Interface Languages


  • New Feature: Modelname can be selected in the Parameter Dropdown

  • Bug Fix: Clash Detection of multiple models with different coordinates

  • Improvement: Alphabetic Sorting of Family Types

  • Improvement: Higher accuracy and reliability in creating openings

  • Improvement: Calculation of openings based on Cable Trays

ConVoid Manager:

  • New Feature: Synchronization of the Approval Status via linked Models

Dimension Void:

  • Bug Fix: Set oversize of vertical rectangular openings

ConVoid Families:

  • New: Spanish ConVoid Families


Release Notes conVoid 1.3.2 (19th April 2022)


  • Compatible with Revit 2023

  • New Language: French

  • New Discipline: Technical Planner

User Interface:

  • ConVoid Manager Chat has a new UI

  • The ConVoid windows are no longer in the foreground

  • Cancel Button for the opening creation process

New Features:

  • Plan Check: Check if the openings are visible and tagged in your 2D Plan

  • Drilling Holes: Create a row of drillings holes


  • Transfer Level Parametervalues to the openings

  • Rename Parametervalues during the Parameter Transfer

  • Create openings between two Cable Trays with a gap

  • Automatic repair of geometrically broken IFC Objects

ConVoid Manager:

  • Improved BCF Workflow, especially with BIMcollab

  • Improved Status Filter

ConVoid Families:

  • French conVoid Families


Release Notes conVoid 1.3.0 (16th December 2021)


  • All users can start a new 14-day trial period

  • Most stable version since release - all reported bugs have been fixed.

  • Higher precision and reliability in the creation and tracking process.

  • Improved units system.

  • UI and Language improvement.

New Features:

  • conVoid settings can now be exported and imported.

  • Openings can be manually joined or unjoined using the new "Join/Unjoin" feature.

  • The "Dimension Void" feature allows specific assignments to oversize (top/bottom/side) or defines the minimum dimensions of selected openings.

  • With the new feature "Rectangular/Circular" the shape of the openings can be changed manually.

  • The levels of the openings can be adjusted manually with the "Level" feature.


  • Higher performance when working with highly detailed reference elements to create openings.

  • Fixed/Pinned openings are now automatically unpinned so that changes are not blocked.

  • Structural openings are created more reliably.

  • New option: calculation of openings without slope, prevents the creation of openings with a slope.

  • If openings already have the status deleted, no new entry is made in the changelog.

  • If conVoid family types have been duplicated, these are now correctly adopted in the creation process.

  • Instead of subcategories, the Host Elements family types can now be selected for more specific filtering.

  • The rotation of the floor openings is now oriented to the closest grid line.

conVoid Manager:

  • The "Cut with Host" feature has been optimized.

  • BCF comments are now stored in the model, so there is no need to exchange BCF files internally.

  • Placeholders can be listed in the conVoid Manager.

conVoid Families:

  • New conVoid structural opening families for windows and doors have been added.

  • The annotation tags of the openings in a section are now placed close to the opening.

  • Openings can now be marked as placeholders so that they are not shown in the plans.

Smart Tag:

  • SmartTag can now also be used in sections and elevation views.

Release Notes conVoid 1.2.5 (25th October 2021)


  • Enhancement: Connection of manually placed openings and reference elements optimized

  • Enhancement: conversion doors and windows into structural openings was optimized

  • Bug: Error message when activating Provision for Voids option was fixed

Release Notes conVoid 1.2.4 (01st October 2021)

conVoid Manager:​

  • Enhancement: Improved BCF workflow with BIMcollab


  • Enhancement: Higher reliability working with transformed linked models

  • Enhancement: Higher reliability in creating openings based on parallel Reference- and Host-Element

  • Enhancement: Working with Different Phases

  • New: New setting for Provision for Voids, for better communication between the responsible person who created the opening and the person who transfer the opening.

Release Notes conVoid 1.2.3 (06th September 2021)


  • Enhancement: Higher reliability working with transformed linked models

  • Enhancement: Increased reliability that dimensions and labels will persist when updating openings.

  • Bug: Error message when manually adjusting openings fixed.

  • Enhancement: Optimized algorithm for the creation of openings

Release Notes conVoid 1.2.1 (04th August 2021)


  • New: Automatic calculation of the elevation of the openings

  • Enhancement: Transfer and combine parameter values from different parameters in one opening parameter

  • Enhancement: The Parameter Mark can be selected in the Parameter Transfer settings

  • Bug: Exclude from conVoid Parameter is now working for openings

  • Bug: Void-ID will be consistent after transfers using an IFC Provision for Void Model

  • Bug: Issue by rounding up dimensions solved

  • Bug: Slab Recess are created reliably now

conVoid Manager:

  • Enhancement: Real-Time interaction between conVoid Manager and the selection of openings

  • Enhancement: Auto Update of opening parameters in conVoid Manager

conVoid Families:

  • Update: Elevation Parameters are added

  • Update: Depth of openings can be displayed in the annotation tag


Release Notes conVoid 1.2.0 (25th June 2021)


  • Most stable conVoid Version

  • New Feature Smart Tag Beta Version

conVoid Families:

  • Update Tag Familie


Release Notes conVoid 1.1.2 (27th May 2021)

conVoid Manager:​

  • Opening status is displayed correctly in the table after restart of the conVoid Manager

  • BCF Viewpoint is generated in Shared Coordinates


Release Notes conVoid 1.1.1 (20th May 2021)

conVoid Manager:​

  • Error during BCF import has been fixed

  • When changing the profile, the setting of the selected fields now remains

conVoid Families:

  • The German conVoid families now contain the correct abbreviations WD/DD/BD/WS/DS

  • Text in annotation family is now aligned upwards and not centered

  • The Opening ID parameter has been added to the annotation family

  • Displaying two opening types in the annotation family is now possible


  • Placing openings on curved and sloped surfaces has been optimized

  • Error with automatic binding from the shared parameter "Exclude conVoid" has been fixed

  • Clashes are now detected in linked models that are already cut with the host elements.

  • The conversion of doors and windows into structural openings has been optimized.

  • Recesses are now placed with the correct dimensions.

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